HH Fitness

2022 Reflections // 2023 Intentions

LifeHaley HansenComment

I’ve never been one to set New Year’s Resolutions. But the New-Year energy is hard to ignore - how can I not make some sort of promise to myself for the upcoming year? 

A friend of mine shared with me her tradition of setting a word for each year, instead of a resolution. For 2022, I chose  “resolute”. Coincidence? Actually, yes. Exactly one year ago today, I had no idea what the coming 12 months would bring (and boy, was I in for a ride). Sure, I couldn’t wait to start my personal training career at Resolute Fitness, but did I predict a promotion to Chief Operations Officer 3 months in? Absolutely not. 

I just resonated so deeply with the definition of “resolute”: admirably purposeful, determined, unwavering (1). Three other synonyms that stood out to me were “confidence”, “passion”, and “drive”. As I reflected on 2021, all of these were qualities I was missing, and desperately craving. “Resolute” ignited an inner drive I hadn’t felt in so long… if ever. 

2022 brought a handful of triumphs and accomplishments, and another handful of uncertainty and challenges. Nonetheless, I pushed myself closer and closer to Resolute (both the company and the adjective), rebuilding confidence, pursuing my passion, and sustaining the drive. 

Chapter 2022 ended in both major loss and major gain. Losing what could have been, and gaining back an ever-evolving better version of myself. I’m stepping into 2023 with a firm definition of “resolute” in my own life, and a heart that is so ready to live out that definition. 

Confidence. Passion. Drive. 

Confidence - it’s not something you get. It’s something you create for yourself. Confidence doesn’t come from the outside - it comes from within. 

Passion - what are we living for, if not our unique passions? This, I think, is at the core of what makes us each the individual that we are. 

Drive - relentlessly pursue that passion with unbreakable confidence. 

Maybe you’ve already set your resolutions or goals or whatever tradition you partake in each year. I just hope this ignites your desire to pursue that. Give it your all. And do it for YOU. because you are the most important investment you will ever make.

What would your 2023 word be? Take some time to think - reflect on the past year, and set intentions for the upcoming year. Once you find it, write it down everywhere. Post it anywhere and everywhere you’ll see it. Pursue it relentlessly.