HH Fitness

Little Things

LifeHaley HansenComment

Gratitude is a practice, not just a feeling. It’s a decision, one we can make everyday to show our appreciation and embrace the joy of contentment. It’s a decision I try to make every morning to begin my day on a positive note. Listing even just two or three things can help me focus on what I have, rather than what I’m wishing for. And after a long season of loss, that shift of focus makes all the difference. So, here are a few of the little things I’ve felt incredible gratitude for lately.

Little Things

Dog cuddles. DOG. CUDDLES. It’s scientifically proven that cuddling can help reduce stress levels, and dogs are better than boys (most humans in general, actually) 99% of the time, so… there’s that. Since we lost Maggie a few months ago, I’ve been cherishing every moment - every pet, every lick, every tail wag - with other pups because they are just so precious. Fortunately, my friend Nicole always lets me cuddle her pup, Maya, when we’re together. Grieving the loss of a pet is a whole new ball game for my family, and we are not trying to rush the process. However, I’m not not saying there won’t ever be another pup in the family.

Little Things

I have friends! I really do, and they’re wonderful. People always ask how we met, given that I didn’t know anyone when I moved here. Who’da thunk Hungry Haley would allow me to meet actual friends?! I’m thankful with every ounce of my being for these two goofy girls who have helped make Minnesota feel like home. Just before Christmas, we got together to make dozens - yes, dozens - of Christmas cookies. Why dozens? Because we can’t plan well and because Nicole (who is on the left, and Kathryn on the right) really likes cookies, apparently.

Little Things

Okay, here’s an absolute favorite that, hopefully, Dad won’t grumble about. How cute, right?! Also, yes, I’m 23 and still sleep with a teddy bear - just the brown one because the other two squeak when squozen (past tense of squeeze?) and that just won’t do in the middle of the night. This is one of those warm-and-fuzzy moments when I can’t help but think how grateful I am to be home with my parents and best friends right now. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for letting me come crash the party and take over the kitchen!

Little Things

Scenes like this make me an extra enthusiastic morning person - that bright and twinkly tree, warm cup of coffee (in a classic Christmas mug from Grandma, of course), and a white blanket of snow outside are a recipe for pure joy in my book. There really isn’t much more to say about it, actually. This picture is worth a thousand words to me!

Little Things

Quite literally, this isn’t really a “little thing”. Those trees are huge! Just the hour or so spent walking and talking on a cold winter morning with family I only see a few times a year - that’s the little thing I’m talking about. This is a trail in Stillwater just a couple miles from my parents’ house and I definitely plan to return more often this winter when I learn to cross country ski, and this spring and summer when the weather is nice enough to hike around. Grateful for the beauty and peace in nature.

Little Things

Now this is most definitely representative of a little thing - the few minutes I have at work before preparation for a class or event when I can just take a deep breath to appreciate 1) having a job, 2) having a job I love, and 3) having a job that teaches me something new every single day. And, of course, can we take a second to admire this kitchen? It’s a dream not only for the chef, but also for the host! I can’t say I love every moment I spend in this place because some moments can be pull-my-hair-out or cry-in-the-closet-real-quick stressful, but I can say that, at the end of day, I close these doors with a grateful heart for my coworkers, our students, and this company as a whole.

Little Things

First thing’s first - that puffiness in my chest is my scarf, not… well, you know. Still as flat as a ten-year-old boy and I’m okay with that! Anyway. I mentioned Nicole earlier, so here’s Kathryn! She moved out to snowy MN from sunny CA just about a month before I did for a job with a start-up medical device company in Minneapolis. What a brave girl! I knew we’d be good friends immediately, and now look at us, taking long walks in the snow and not freezing! I’m so thankful for Kathryn’s energy, positivity, and drive for adventure. I know that whenever I’m ready to get out of the house or take a break from work and explore this awesome state, I can call Kathryn and she’ll be ready to hop in the car wherever we’re off to. Let’s just hope I can convince her to stay here rather than fly back home to Cali!

Little Things

My mom is the most thoughtful and selfless person I’ve ever met, and her passion and business, Dot Plaid, represents those qualities perfectly. Essentially, she spends her time using her artistic talent to remind her loved ones how special they are through these handmade cards. During one of the rare occasions in which I took a nap, Mom made this little cutout and placed it on my nightstand while I slept so that when I woke up, the first thing I saw was Mom’s tear-jerking and heart-warming love for me. She is constantly telling me how glad she is that I’m home with her and Dad. I’m so thankful for this woman.

Now it’s your turn. You can tell me below in the comments section, you can share it with a loved one (or a stranger, I guess), or you can keep it to yourself in your head or your journal or wherever you want it. Just make a thoughtful list of the things - big or little or both - you feel grateful for. Make these lists a habit to train your brain to see the good in every day. I can promise you this simple act will make a big difference. Thanks for reading!