HH Fitness

Life Update (It's been a while!)

LifeHaley Hansen2 Comments

I feel like nobody reads blog posts anymore. Everybody’s watching everybody else’s life on YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram stories. That’s fine, I’ll still be here writing (typing) away. 

It’s been about 6 months since my last life update, and boy, are we due for a new one. So much has changed! I miss blogging, writing, and staying connected to my little home on the internet. I just have very little time or energy these days (which is exactly what I said almost a year ago now) to dedicate to this space. I’m sad about that, but it is what it is for now. 


I’m almost at the one-year mark at my job! For anyone new, I’m a corporate wellness event planner for an office building in downtown Minneapolis. Yes, I’m in downtown Minneapolis, and I’m happy to say that it seems like the city is coming back to life! Slowly, but surely. Employees are returning to the office. Skyways are beginning to bustle during the lunch hours. It’s very exciting for me because, let me tell ya’, it’s tricky to be an event planner when everyone is sick of virtual events but not yet back in the office to attend in-person events. Just saying. 

I love my job - I really really do. And I work with an amazing team of inspiring, passionate, and supportive individuals. It’s a demanding job, both mentally and physically. It keeps me on my toes most of the time (so I do get all my steps in!) and it challenges my creativity. However, it’s not my passion. It doesn’t fulfill me the way I would really want a career to. I talked to Brandon about this the night before I was to return to work, and as I anxiously shed a few tears, he reminded me that I’m only 24 and I don’t need to be set in my career just yet. I have so much time to pursue my true passion. Soak up this experience while I have the opportunity, and learn all that I can with the resources available to propel me towards whatever comes next. 

My dad said this was a very mature attitude to have, so I was pretty pumped about that. #adulting

Life Update (it's been a while!)


Since about mid-March, I’ve been dealing with some tummy issues - indigestion, bloating, constipation, and the like. I hope that’s not TMI, it’s just honesty. That really weighed me down, both mentally and physically. Anyone who has ever dealt with prolonged tummy issues will absolutely agree that 1) they suck in general and 2) they suck the energy out of you. I felt like I was doing pretty much everything right - eating all my fruits, veggies, and whole grains, getting my exercise, staying hydrated, sleeping pretty well, and more. Still, I couldn’t last more than 2-3 days a week without tummy symptoms. 

As I do, when I have questions, I did some research and what I found, I wanted to avoid. I didn’t want to cut out foods or be “restrictive” in any sense of the word because I’ve been there before and, looking back, I hate thinking about how much I missed out on. But as I thought about it more and more, I realized I was still missing out on so much of my life. I couldn’t focus at work, I felt uncomfortable after almost every meal, I was becoming moody and irritable around the people I love most, and I wasn’t able to progress in the gym. 

So I did it. I followed and still am following - not perfectly, but very closely - a paleo(ish) diet. I don’t eat gluten, grains or beans, I avoid dairy as much as possible, I stopped eating highly processed foods (which, let’s be honest, was mainly my favorite donut from Cardigan Donuts in Minneapolis), and I cut way back on the alcohol consumption. After about a week, I FELT SO MUCH BETTER. I actually felt hungry in the morning after my workouts, I could focus all day at work, I could… um… eat! 

Three weeks in and I still feel so good. So stinkin’ good. I will very likely try to reintroduce grains at some point soon because let me ya’ somethin’ - I’m really craving a pizza. I also don’t think it’s these foods that directly caused the tummy issues. Rather, I’d guess it was a combination of poorly managing stress, overexercising, and eating a few too many fried foods paired with alcoholic beverages (classic situation). So yes, I’m working on those things in addition to following a paleo(ish) diet. 

One thing I include in my daily routine that has helped SO incredibly much is Gut Power Drinks (this is not sponsored) - it’s a blend of pre- and probiotics in a highly tolerable dose and form, developed by a registered dietitian who specializes in gut health. I mix a scoop of the cocoa flavor into my coffee, along with a splash of almond milk, honey, and vanilla extract. I also love the matcha and coffee flavors! This stuff is the best and has been instrumental in restoring my tummy health. Try some! Use “HUNGRYHALEY” at checkout for 15% off your first order. Download the Gut Power Challenge, while you’re there.

Everyday life (outside of my job): 

Wellllllll I kind of have a new roommate! Two, actually. Brandon and Lily (the dog, if you’re new here) have been staying with me for the last few months and we decided we really like it. We live well together. At the end of the summer, we’ll have our own place! We’re undecided on whether that will be an apartment south of Minneapolis or a condo closer to downtown, and we won’t know yet for a few months. That’s okay, we’re just excited. :) 

Also, Brandon and I are the absolute worst about taking pictures together, but we’re both really good at taking pictures of Lily, which you’d probably enjoy more, anyway, so here you go.

Things in Minneapolis are opening up! In fact, Governor Walz just announced that all restrictions will be lifted by July 1st, or whenever the state of MN reaches 70% vaccination. I repeat - all restrictions lifted. A normal summer! WHAT. Yes please. Yes pleeeeeeease. I’m ready for Twins games, restaurants and bars, family gatherings, and touching shoulders and seeing people smile and all that good stuff we’ve missed out on for a long a$$ time. 

Thankfully, our families have been able to get vaccinated quickly, so we’re able to see them on a regular basis without any worry. Both Brandon and I are halfway vaccinated. I cried a little bit, honestly - it was just so incredible seeing the vaccinations taking place. This is something that, a year ago, we could barely even dream of and now, here we are. We’re really fortunate for all that we have, and all that we are able to do.


I AM accepting new clients! Work one-on-one with me, a certified personal trainer, for customized workout programs - gym, home, minimal equipment, and more options. Send me an email and let’s get started! I’m also working on developing some 8 and 12 week workout guides - for anyone who just wants the workouts without the 1-on-1 coaching, these will be perfect. I can’t wait to release them!

Life Update (It's been a while!)