Buried beneath all the sudden changes of 2019, the final exams and research papers, the hopeful blog posts, the hours spent working another job, and the piles of more financially realistic job applications, a goal I set in 2018 - to become a certified personal trainer - hasn’t been reached. Nonetheless, it’s remained a goal, and challenging my physical and mental strength through exercise and nutrition has only grown stronger as a passion.
When life finally forced me to sit down and think long and hard about a career and what I want to do - what lights my fire, what ignites my passion - it wasn’t food blogging or marketing or cooking or baking. I thumbed through job postings on LinkedIn one day in March (actually, it was March 10th, and yes I remember the exact date) and I came across a position with a corporate wellness program management company. After learning more about the company and the position during the first interview, I envisioned myself in the position with the most clarity, confidence, and excitement I could ever remember.
And then… well, then COVID-19 happened and the position was put on hold due to government restrictions. I was disappointed, discouraged, sad, and angry, and I still am sometimes. This time, amidst another round of unexpected change, I was determined to not let the unfortunate circumstances bury my goals. I have no idea what will happen next - next week, next month, even in the next 6 or 12 months. Those outcomes are largely out of my control. However, I have control over my time management, my effort, and my goals and I will not let this one escape me. So…
I am becoming a NASM Certified Personal Trainer! Assuming I pass my exam in June, that is. With the extra time in my schedule to study the material, I should be well-equipped and confident when that day comes. In the meantime, between chunks of time studying, I’ll be designing a couple new pages here to fit in workouts and nutrition-focused blog posts.
Geez, now that I’ve shared this, I feel like I can’t not pass. The pressure is on. Above all, I’m just excited to finally begin the pursuit of what I’m most passionate about. This is what lights me up and ignites my passion. This makes me feel like… me. And I can’t wait to share that here!
Photo by Karly Kreative.