HH Fitness


Thoughts: Words I'm Loving Lately

ThoughtsHaley HansenComment

These words are simple, yet significant. Short, yet so powerful.

I’ve been reminding myself of these snippets of encouragement throughout my days to boost my confidence and energy, and to stay connected to who I am and what I want. :)


In fact, self-care above all else is the exact opposite of selfishness. We cannot be our truest, kindest selves if we are not taking care of ourselves. Of course, that means eating well, sleeping well, and exercising. It also means taking time for yourself, regularly tuning into your thoughts and tuning out of the world around you. It means parting from relationships that do not serve you, or worse, that only take from you. The best thing we can be in and for this world is our truest, kindest self, and in order to be that person consistently, we need to take care of ourselves consistently.

This one pretty much piggy-backs right off the previous one. ‘nough said.

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Ohhhhh I love this one so much. Don’t let the energy of those around you control how you show up everyday. Bring the energy you want to attract. Think about the energy that inspires you, the qualities you admire, etc. and bring those with you.

One of my 2021 words is “focus”, and this quote reminds me of that. Focusing on our purpose keeps us strong against the comparison trap, and successful in our journey to reaching to reaching our goals.

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This one is so much easier said than done, I know. I’ve rolled my eyes at this quote many times, so if you’re doing that right now, I get it.

I woke up one morning last week feeling tired after a couple less-than-great nights of sleep, anxious, stressed (blah blah blah). I saw this quote on Pinterest, took a deep breath, and thought about all the reasons I have to be joyful, and I chose to FOCUS on those. It made all the difference! Again, I know there are some days when “just choose joy” feels stupidly impossible, but it’s worth it. And it can be simple:

  • Choose to look on the bright side when a situation doesn’t go as planned.

  • Choose to focus on the growth opportunities with obstacles arise.

  • Choose to smile at those passing by on your way to work.

  • Choose to take a deep breath and respond, rather than quickly react.

I hope these little words of encouragement have brought some light into your week! They always do for me. :)