HH Fitness

My Daily Gut Health Habits

Nutrition, FitnessHaley HansenComment

Since I began struggling with digestive issues a few months ago, I’ve been diving into research and information to help alleviate the symptoms. If there’s any part of this journey I’ve enjoyed, it’s the research - hands down. And as I’ve tried this, that, and the other, I’ve been successful at times and not so successful at others. What worked for one person might not have worked for me, and what works for me might or might not work for you. The human gut is an absolutely incredible thing - research is developing and probably always will be. Always talk to your doctor or registered dietitian before making any major dietary or lifestyle changes!

Here are my daily gut health habits:

WATER. Water, water, water.

I start hydrating myself the minute I wake up - after 6-7 hours of sleeping, my body is slightly dehydrated, so I want to start rehydrating it before I do anything else. I drink about 8 ounces of water before coffee or pre-workout.

Gut Power Drinks

You’ve probably heard me talk about this stuff a million times now, and for good reason. This blend of pre- and probiotics helps to balance the gut bacteria, feeding the good guys and pushing out the bad guys. I take one scoop a day in a smoothie, cup of black coffee, or homemade latte. If you decide to give it a try, use “HUNGRYHALEY” for a discount on your first order!

Limit Caffeine

I do lovvvvve my coffee, but too much of it, and my tummy doesn’t love it so much. Caffeine activates the sympathetic nervous system, turning on the “fight or flight” response and releasing cortisol. This process sends blood away from the digestive system and towards the working muscles, making it difficult to digest food and absorb the nutrients. Some people can handle more caffeine than others, so find out what works for you. Start with a small cup, and monitor how you feel over time as you drink more. My body can only handle about 150-200 mg of caffeine a day before my stomach gets upset and my sleep is compromised.

Pre- and Probiotic-rich Foods

Pre- and probiotic supplements are great, but food sources are better - you’ll get additional nutrients like protein, fiber, calcium, and more. My favorites to incorporate are yogurt (either Greek or coconut), kombucha, sauerkraut, cooked and cooled sweet potatoes (resistant starch!), asparagus, and onion and garlic. This is another topic that is super important to discuss with your doctor - some people might not tolerate these foods well if there is a significant imbalance in gut bacteria (“dysbiosis”). Your doctor can help you determine this and how to rebalance.

My Daily Gut Health Habits

Prioritize Vegetables, Healthy Fats, and High-Quality Protein

This one is very specific to me. Of course, I’d suggest a balance of these foods for most people just to have a generally healthy diet and lifestyle. What I’ve learned, through trial and error and tuning into my body, over the last few months is that gluten and most grains tend to not agree with my body. I’ve also learned that my body struggles to digest high amounts of whole food protein sources (like meat, eggs, fish, etc.), so I need to obtain protein from sources like plant-based proteins, protein powders, and yogurt. The overall emphasis here is on listening to your body and identifying foods that cause inflammation for you. Again, what might be inflammatory for another person might not be for you, and vice versa. Again again, always speak with your doctor before eliminating a food group from your diet.

My Daily Gut Health Habits

Digestive Enzymes

I started taking these regularly with each meal (or as many meals as I could remember to take them) about 3 weeks ago and noticed a difference in my digestion after each meal within just a few days. Digestive enzymes work by priming the digestive system with the enzymes it needs to efficiently break down food and absorb nutrients. I’ve been taking the blend from Whole Foods and love it! Keeping it on my kitchen counter when I’m at home and on my desk when I’m at work helps me remember to take it with each meal no matter where I am!


This is something I’m learning how to do just for, you know, overall health - mental and physical. The brain and the gut are connected through one of the largest nerves in the body, the vagus nerve, which transmits information from the brain to the gut and from the gut to the brain. When we’re mentally stressed, our gut doesn’t function properly. Digestion slows and gut bacteria can become imbalanced. When we’re physically stressed (sleeping too little, training beyond recovery ability, suffering from digestive issues), our brain doesn’t function properly. How do I manage stress?

  • Implementing a self-care routine - morning and night routines (skin care, supplements, coffee, water, etc.)

  • Asking for time to myself - I neeeeeed this, and I’m still getting used to asking for time alone (now that I don’t live alone anymore). It’s so important for my mental health!

  • Making time for fun with family and friends - trying new restaurants, cooking together, walking by the lakes, etc.

  • Talking to a licensed therapist regularly

My Daily Gut Health Habits

Of course, these are ways I manage my own digestive health - yours might look different. Try a few different things and see what works best for you. :) If you are experiencing any digestive issues, it’s best to speak with your doctor, registered dietitian, or gut-health specialist before trying any remedies on your own.

I hope this post helped guide you and inspire you to prioritize your digestive health. I know that I am my best self when I’m my healthiest self, so that’s why this stuff is so interesting and important to me, and I want to share that with everyone I can because everyone deserves to feel and be their best!